Sunday, July 08, 2007


.. 3,5 days in Sweden so far. It s pissin down outside but I m a big fan of rain so Im happy. Lotta with her family is comin tonite, they ll stay here for a week and then I ll join them down to Stockholm.. they are headin to Växjö for a week so I ll hav their house just on my own.. almost at least.. considering that Herkules & Sixten are mostly out.

2moro I ll get the result if I m accepted at Sthlm uni or not.. uhhh.. Jens.. hilfe! I ll get back about that later on. And yeah.. Maja is enterin the Swedish border 2moro, välkommen önskar Ormsta hockey och Garpedal.. för att inte tala om spåret, alla tks (som nu för tiden är yngre än dig) samt gästis/kvarnen..

Now som online-shopping.. I might have found a dress for my cousins wedding:b (I need help.. ) Gros bisous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Fia ! Il pleut aussi à Chambéry. :-(
Good luck for Sthlm uni. Hope you'll be receive.
Oh ! What a difficult choice to found a dress for wedding...