Saturday, July 26, 2008

hast du etwas zeit fur mich

the view from my window last night. det har sin charm att vara granne med haga. fiesta espagnole ce soir. p & k

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

byzantin empire 'n stuff

on official request im sending some greetings from turkey, mainly to sophie but of course also to anyone else who cares to read. life here is pretty unexciting since im mainly spending my time figuring out what im gonna do next in the whole life-scheme-thingey (in practice, watching crap tv hoping a gorgeous idea will dawn on me). the amount of crap tv ive watched has also made me seriously scared of american culture, but i guess i have myself to blame after seeing 'living lohan', 'denise richards - the true story', dr 90210 (blatantly sponsored by plastic surgeons) and 'extreme hollywood', pretty much all at once. but then again, they say americas time as a super power is pretty much done and asia is taking over, so perhaps instead of 'extreme hollywood' we'll be watching 'extreme beijing'? well itll be a change at least.

yesterday i went to the hairdresser to fix my roots - geez that sounded like a proper 'legally blonde'-kind of sentence - and was quite fascinated by the service. first of all, for reasons unclear to me hairdressing in turkey is a pretty much exclusively male job, and unlike any 'normal' european country these males are not gay! secondly they don't just have one hairdresser per customer but several. I honestly had four hairdressers blowdrying my hair at the same time (tho it soon went back to the 'normal' number of three), which made me giggle tho i tried to keep a straight face. as it appeared this attention was not due to me being a blonde tourist as i saw others receiving the same treatment. im thinking this might be turkeys way of solving unemployment. alternatively its an undercover brothel.

further i bought an irrestibly cute/ugly brown t-shirt today picturing a psycho-happy radish saying 'eat veg'! i thought of getting one for sophie but as a cheater-vegetarian she doesnt get to wear such fancy stuff.

gros bisous, l'autre blonde

Friday, July 18, 2008

en kväll framför youtube

här har ni en tuff musikvideo. det är inte bara kameravinkeln och trix med linsen utan även fräna kläder och utstuderade moves.

Bror o Miki på besök


Mutti + ett skogstroll



Flerfamiljshus för svalor

Petter i rodartagen
Pirater i kajak

1 del kaffe och 5 delar varm mjölk

olalala.. we've tickets for the nutcracker at the royal opera in december. muy bien. but i want to see der ring des nibelungen as well. did u know that sisis cousin ludwig of bavaria (the crazy one) was deeply in love with richard wagner but instead wagner married the huganrian composer and pianist franz liszts daugther.. i guess he was not gay. ive a fondness for intellectual people living in paris during the mid 19the century. ive always liked george sand.

Monday, July 14, 2008

jag äro en segelbåt

blogga då din soja bratwurst! /evil santa feat. john parker

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

en mörk höst

jag har hittat min räddning för en mörk och kall höst i ett avigt stockholm.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

20 juni 2008

Ingarö kyrka
I kyrkan, brudtärna i Lettlandfynd

Anton och Julia

En massa brudpar genom tiderna

finally some pics from my sis lina and her michaels wedding. it was a wonderful sunny day with a lot of happy ppl.. especially the bride and groom to be. tack båda 2 för denna fina dag! =) /fia

Thursday, July 03, 2008

hahah.. c est assez drole

Vous rêvez de partir à l’étranger sans sacrifier une année universitaire ? Erasmus est la solution ! Si pour vous l’Europe se résume aux tapas espagnoles, à la pop anglaise, aux chocolats belges, aux jolies suédoises, à la vodka polonaise ou au sirtaki grec, il est temps de tenter l’aventure Erasmus !Depuis plus de 20 ans, plus d’un million et demi d’étudiants ont fait leurs valises pour vivre une parenthèse européenne courte mais riche en expériences. Le choix est large : 31 pays se sont associés pour créer le plus grand espace d’échanges universitaires. Harmonisation des diplômes, bourses communautaires, accords interuniversitaires, tout est mis en place pour que cette année de mobilité soit accessible au plus grand nombre d’étudiants. Et le programme attire… ils sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus nombreux à saisir cette opportunité. Tous les étudiants qui en reviennent le disent : Erasmus marque à vie. Pourquoi ? Erasmus, c’est une occasion unique de découvrir une culture et de faire connaissance avec des étudiants de toute l’Europe. La mobilité est également devenue un véritable atout notamment pour leur future vie active. Ils font ainsi valoir une expérience durant laquelle ils ont pu perfectionner une langue mais également dû apprendre à s’adapter à un nouveau pays.