Friday, October 27, 2006

blonde genotype, white phenotype.. in a punnet square

well sophie austria looks very nice indeed! atm im writing here instead of packing, they sort of seem equally important. i got told off today by one of my teachers for leaving canterbury a whole week.. i gotta do something about that, like either studying a lot in Linz to quell my bad conscience or drink a lot so i forget about the whole thing.
apart from that ill show u my diy bleaching skills, its perhaps not so bad after all. white blonde is funnier than ..uhm.. being french.. as the old saying goes.

maybe i should have stayed with the before-version?

neh, look how happy i am with new blonder hair! but please dont ask why the computer is in the background of both pictures.. i can assure u its just a coincidence.

ok, packing here i go! sophie a chav is on the way, he's squeaking in the suitcase right now, asking for some fags i think. see you tomorrow!! :D

and anyone who has myspace should add me on simply because i managed to put such a fancy starry background.. im such a computer geek.

bisous und eine grosselederhosen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

white hair.. c la mode in stockholm:p .. but the rockers at söder do still have black..