Tuesday, October 03, 2006

1,2,3 strokes of bad luck and how to cure it

so, i havent written in some time because i've been waiting for something fun to write, but since thats not gonna happen i think im gonna list depressing things instead.
so; the week started with general boredom, cloudy skies and rain
(this is england after all, my dears),
continued with being absolutely broke and considering selling a kidney or two,
follows with getting ditched by a guy ive been fancying,
and ends with my dog being put down because my mom's been getting more and more allergic. oh and right, im ill too.
so, all these are perfectly normal things but when they all happen at once u cant do much else but believe in murphys laws. im considering staying inside for a month or so and thereby fool the, uhm, evil powers of bad luck (which are anyways controlled by jonas). till then im gonna enjoy some sweet swedish comics such as the one above. bisous t'y'all.


Anonymous said...

heeeeeyy.. sois pas triste ma belle.. tu vien chez moi ds 3,5 semaines=) on va fair la fĂȘte chaque jour et moi, je vai chercher un mec pour toi:p bon courage and talk to u later 2day!


Anonymous said...

Don't go to Lindt, come to me mongo!!! I still have one of the Cadbury bars... and I've got MTV now... come and we will watch telefilms on M6... Sophie doesnt even have a TV in Lindt... plus we'll make dinner for Fabien every evening... come... hmm... grrrrrrr... bang bang...