Monday, September 25, 2006

last nite..

.. we were downtown drinking beer (bernie, jared, can, jens and i).. really nice.. and we were talking about u mazza! nej, han är ingen uggla.. bara nästan:p

btw, im still waiting for sweden vs england p. 3, i do have some expectations so you better do a good job.. you can always show some tesco value food..

the question of the week is: are we going to the oktoberfest in munich or not? or should we have our own in salzburg? hmmmpff..

gonna get high on coffee now, ihhhhhha.. and cris is probably coming pretty soon.. puss!

a bientot!
/ian curtis


Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with tesco value food, its nutritious and for only 8p you can feed yourself and your chav-children in kemsing gardens for weeks to come while your fat husband is getting drunk at any sleezy old man pub (eg simple simons) while checking out uni girls but you're still happy because you got a big english flag hanging out on your window and as you put your fag between the yellow teeth you think of englands glory. /from the tesco staff

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with tesco value food, its nutritious and for only 8p you can feed yourself and your chav-children in kemsing gardens for weeks to come while your fat husband is getting drunk at any sleezy old man pub (eg simple simons) while checking out uni girls but you're still happy because you got a big english flag hanging out on your window and as you put your fag between the yellow teeth you think of englands glory. /from the tesco staff

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

åhh.. where is my chav? and tony, he's such a nice fella..

long live keming gardens and all the mould in galway!

/whos that coming over the hill is it the monster/popstar

Anonymous said...

Maja, come to Lindt!!
Sophie will provide a 1 kg Lindt chocolate bar...
You can bring another Cadbury 1 kg bar... and I will bring cocoa fruit because that's what we have in Brazil... mohoho pas drole.