Wednesday, September 27, 2006

fight of the hairdo's... and donts

the guy on top is the only guy who can carry off wearing a mullet. end of story. whoever thought russians could be sexy? though sophie, im terribly afraid to say, your ex boyfriend doesnt make it very far in that smashing haircut of his.

and gunther, thats just national shame... although... not as bad as the ever so racist "doctor bombay". calicalicuttacuttacutta...

/the graaf sisters and the rest of swedens export


Anonymous said...

tsss.. i still want him:p and u should sacrifice yourselves for.. ehh.. exactly.. u do know what im talking about.

btw, 4 weeks to go.. u are very very welcome! ill organise a welcomeparty for u.. bring kendoll! and uve to make out with at the very least 1 erasmus.. with the exception of drakdödaren/hj or the westie/bajsmannen.

greetings to steve.. n the archbishop!



Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say i still don't remember who you are and i never will because you are not important. now im going back to world domination. bye, whoever i was writing to.

maja & fia's chronicles said...

dego, dego.. dont start again.. i know that you just feel inferior to cumming/jonas/berndt.. but please, dont!;-)


Anonymous said...

Qui a dit que le "mullet" était russe. C'est une tradition bien française depuis Asterix et Obelix jusqu'à Guivar'ch (attaquant de l'AJ Auxerre). Les russes ne sont encore une fois qu'une pale copie de la mode grançaise qui sévit dans nos campagnes.
Je me souviens encore de mes camarades de classe de CM1 qui portait fièrement le mullet comme signe de leur virilité pas encore acquise. Je n'en ai jamais eu, mais j'aurai bien aimé.


Fabien (the guy who is currently housing Gogola)