Tuesday, February 06, 2007

damn, those things are hot..

so, another heavy nite in canterbury, starting off at the cherry three drinkin beers with ally. we then thought about alberrys but of course we ended up at the works.. un sejour in canterbury isnt completed without at the very least one nite at the venue and the works. anyway, at works we saw one of the simple simons ppl.. uhh.. but he was sexy as usual, what was it with him and the bar? maja had a chat with henry as well, a 16 year old boy from one of her courses.. dunno know how he got in to the uni tho. my evening ended up with dancing with a swede from uppsala.. why does all the swedes know each other here? malin, im afraid that a leash would make sence by now..

so, heading up to kent uni now.. last day in kent for this time but ill be back in 2 weeks.. need to spend more of majas money..

and yeah, im deeply in love with ville valo.. or at least his voice.

bisous partout


Anonymous said...

I'll take my leash and whip and catch the next flight to england.. ;P You seem to have a nice time anyway.. alla är vi unga en gång ;)See ya, Malin

Jen said...

Ja, vi maste horas snart sa ni kan boka biljetterna! :-) Ha det sa trevligt i Sverige!!

Kram kram/Jen