Wednesday, November 22, 2006

love, the wolf and the gladiator

well, renars is indeed my one true love, but i think uve missed out on a few common ones - i mean such classics such as sven, the grandious german, and indy, and ..well, didn't be both have a crush on rippy... or miro? hmmm....
not much going on here, im trying to keep up with studies, just came back from drawing naked ppl which this time disappointingly turned out to be a dressed person with a bike... strange.
and the other day stephie fixed my hair this nicely! she mustve thought it suited me.. dunno why.

and a last guy we've both fancied, for his dark charm and sexy evilness:

but sometimes it strikes me, with pain in my heart, that i missed out on my one true love... namely this guys son.

:( :( :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, ure right.. a black wolf it is.. but i guess, ill still be lookin for the snake.. put up new pics 2moro, goin out 2nite:p