Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Elle est partie..

... after (I hope) a great week in Stockholm and Leksand did Virginie head back to my favourite place all over.. Chambéry. I'm just waiting to settle down there myself.

In the beginning of last week did I decide that having an exam in microecomics right now was more than I'd manage so I basically just stopped studying for it. What a relief. With the exam off did the week turn out much more agreeable. Went down to la capitale Wednesday to meet up with Virginie.. and it was sooo nice to see her after 3,5 years. We spent the 3 days in Stockholm by going to different museums , eating crêpes, avoiding some stalking french guys, drinking too expensive beer, talking about "la lune dans le caniveau" in Chambéry (my favourite bar back in the days), looking at photo exhibitions etc. Friday eve did we head up to Leksand for the weekend. On Saturday did I take her out an a small bike tour which ended up with us doing 40km.. so what, it's good exercise. Le lendemain did Kalle turn 18 years old.. still can't believe that. I was very generous thou, gave him 10 euros. Plus a card that I bought for 3 euros. Very nice of me indeed.

Anyway, it's now Wednesday.. Virginie left early yesterday morning:-/ Today mamma and I spent the day on the lake and I'm now planning to buy a boat. A sailboat. Just a small one with space just for me and my picnic. Max 100 euros. Any suggestions?

Pics from last week is on its way but I lost my cable (to the camera) so I better find it first. Now my fingers are hurting so I won't write more. Puss & kram /Fia


Anonymous said...

Coucou Fia. Je suis bien rentrée à Chambé. Merci encore pour cette semaine merveilleuse. See you soon in France...

Anonymous said...

Merci à toi Virginie :-)

rien said...

Tu sais Sophie, Chambéry, c'est plus ce que c'était...

C'est une ville "morte".

Fort heureusement, il reste la nature, les montagnes, mais quand on voit où tu vis, il est difficile de ne pas être jaloux...

Pour 100 euros, tu peux t'acheter un canot gonflable jaune à rame, en vente aux abords de toutes les plages...;-)