Saturday, March 28, 2009

on a more serious note

following up from the classic 'guys to date if they werent dead', here comes 'guys to date if they werent fictional'. and no, im not trying to escape more pressuring things like jobs and masters applications. this just seems of crucial importance. to the world.

1. robin hood. a bit gay perhaps in those trousers, but still, outlaws are sexy. and the hat is kinda sexy. and the tail!

2. "Vargen", the wolf. The bad guy character of the children comic "Bamse", which tells the tale of a very kind bear who gets supernatural strength from eating honey. Vargen is a bit evil, but also sensitive and good 'somewhere deep inside'. And dark and goodlooking. And the tail!

3. Indiana Jones. Who wouldve known archeologists could be so sexy? Now it has to be pointed out that it mainly refers to 'young indiana jones', who was never half as famous as the oddly named harrison ford, but way, way cuter. However, its not just his good looks that get him this spot, but that adventurousness, the irresistible 40s/50s style, and the hat. but no tail.

4. Aragon. Legolas was close, but was deemed a bit too gay in those tight clothes (though Robin Hood got away with it) and after all aragon is going to become king, which of course is kind of sexy in itself.

6. The beast, from beauty and the beast. BEFORE the transformation, note well, when he becomes a regular little toyboy in a rather gay boyband. Here he has charisma. And soft fur.

7. Tengil. Ok, the picture doesnt really do him justice. But if you read the classic book by Astrid Lindgren and make up your own image, its clear that he's the most charismatic character in the book, next to Katla perhaps. He has a vision. And he's mysterious. And, for gods sake, that helmet! Hot.

Friday, March 27, 2009

you're on top of the world again

since sophie for once is so lazy with updating the blog i thought id share some "news" from maja-world... maybe mongolita will read, for example? or is she disappeared into the french wastelands?

i just finished a teach-english course which qualifies me to teach english even though my chances of getting a job are fairly slim since im not a native speaker. unless i search for jobs in the outskirts of ...north korea. ok, not really, but u know what i mean. or i could work on my british accent, but the best ive come up with so far is pretending to have a tennis ball or something in my mouth to get the right pronunciation. it also makes me sound a bit retarded which im guessing isnt a plus when ur looking for jobs.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

well done h&m

I want to be a white tiger too! I love it. But can I wear it in the office?

läääääääskig kvinna

3 frågor till Tina Ghasemi, 23 år, som blivit omvald till distriktsordförande i Moderata ungdomsförbundet.

Vad gör dig så populär?
– Muf Stockholm ökade sitt medlemsantal med 500 personer förra året. Från 2 000 till 2 500 medlemmar. Det är ett väldigt tydligt kvitto på en lyckad verksamhet.

Ungdomsförbund har som regel svårt att engagera nya medlemmar. Vad är hemligheten bakom Muf Stockholm?
– Så fort någon gått med hos oss har jag ringt upp den personen och frågat hur och vad de vill hjälpa till med. De samtalen har gjort att nya medlemmar känt att det går snabbt att komma in i förbundet, att de räknas.

Vilken är din största utmaning 2009?
– Att lyckas i EU-valet. Vårt mål är att kasta ut alla socialister från Europa.

Ps. jag har min egen teori varför så många gått med i muf under 2008. den heter blondinbella.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

här händer det saker

nej, det är inte hey barberiba.. bara nästan.

hot chicks

.. and a damn good video.. it's a cover though.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

She got it

Im a bit slow parfois but I just realized that Frida Hyvönen received "DN's kulturpris". I voted for her 30 times from different computers around uni (since you were not allowed to vote from the same IP address twice). Now I know it was worth it. I hope the link is working. Great artist indeed.

English please

It's snowing. It has been snowing constantly since 9 am when I went up. That was early for a Sunday but I have been working the whole day, or at least during 5h. Now I'm searching for Hokusai paintings online, my new passion.

Tomorrow the plan is to finish my report for the European construction industry and to have dinner with Celina, my pharmacist friend. Maybe she can mix something for me. Hmm. At Tuesday my very last course ever at uni starts.. scaaaary. A very very boring course though but hopefully I'll survive it. It's probably better than Porks Galway courses. One sheep, two... sheeps.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

tycka lite synd om

titta vad den elake karateinstruktören s.k. stålarmen gjorde med mig (tänk bort de små håren), ont som attan gjorde det också. denna gång använde han dock sina betongben med eventuell stålvajer inuti. ont. /f

Thursday, February 19, 2009

och så var det torsdag..

.. och jag sitter med mina betongrapporter. betong, betong, betong.